
Press Releases

Resources Industry Network

Industry Matters - a column by Resource Industry Network (May 13, 2022)

Today I want to reflect on the resources sector in relation to our thriving region and communities. You’ve heard Resource Industry Network speak up about the needs and issues of the mining supply chain in recent weeks, but I want to emphasise that these matters are not restricted to the sector.

In fact, any lack of support for the resources and METS sectors results in a ripple effect throughout the community. If you are in retail or hospitality, what percentage of your customers derive an income from the mining activities in our region? If you are an accountant or lawyer, how many of your clients are suppliers to the mining sector? If you are in the medical profession, how many families do you see that have parent/s working in resources?

The current Queensland Resources Council economic contribution data highlights that resources are worth $18 billion in gross regional product (GRP), or 73 per cent of the Mackay region’s total GRP. It also indicates that more than 82,000 jobs are supported by the resources sector, which equates to 87 per cent of the Mackay region’s total employment.

The impacts of government not supporting engineering and industrial firms in this region have the potential to act like a domino effect throughout the community and local economy. It’s a similar message we delivered three years ago at the last Federal Election when activists targeted our sector.

Once again, we ask the community to be informed when they go to the polling booths on May 21st and understand the importance of the METS sector as a major contributor to mining operations in the Bowen Basin.

They have not shied away from the expectations of a global push to address climate change but have also expressed that it needs to be done in a meaningful, innovative, and commercially responsible manner. Our sector is embracing change with inspiring leadership and METS SMEs are enthusiastically adopting digital transformation and net zero goals.

The success stories stemming from the resources industry are many and varied and those attending the RIN Awards on May 20th will get an insight into the innovations, initiatives, and new markets that METS SMEs are successfully navigating. We will be sharing these stories after the event and encourage everyone to act as ambassadors for our industry and region so we can continue to shine.

It is important that we continue to promote our sector, resonate a strong collective voice for our industry and region, and ensure the government representatives that we elect are representing our needs.

Having a strong collective voice does not stop on election day. We must continue to speak positively about the importance of our sector in relation to our region, not to mention its contributions on a state and national level, and drive investor confidence to secure regional Queensland’s future.

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Resource Industry Network (RIN Mackay) is the only not-for-profit member group representing the mining industry and resources sector including allied industries within the Mackay Isaac Moranbah Whitsunday and Bowen Basin QLD regions. Join RIN today and experience exclusive member benefits.

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  • Address: Resources Centre of Excellence (RCOE) building, 65 Crichtons Road, Paget, Mackay, QLD, 4740
  • Office Phone: (07) 4952 4184
  • MSIC Enquiries: 0408 638 968
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